Bank of England
This Week: FX trillions await central bank trio
16 SEP clock 07:27

This Week: FX trillions await central bank trio

FX trading worldwide sees about US$ 7.5 trillion change hands each day, according to the Bank for International Settlements. The US dollar index, GBPUSD, and USDJPY will be especially sensitive to 3 central bank meetings this week, with the Fed taking centre stage.
GBPUSD dragged down by US, UK data
12 MAR clock 16:33

GBPUSD dragged down by US, UK data

Fundamental events today are forcing “cable” to now test a key Fibonacci support level, even while this FX pair had been ripe for a technical pullback.
Markets await trio of big risk events
01 NOV clock 11:50

USDInd, GBPUSD await trio of big risk events

Announcements out of Federal Reserve, US Treasury, and Bank of England could send volatility picking up across global markets.
GBPUSD at the mercy of UK/US data
17 OCT clock 11:21

GBPUSD at the mercy of UK/US data

GBPUSD has been dragged back below the 1.220 psychological level. The just-released UK wages data suggests that pay growth is easing, which may allow the Bank of England to hold back from proceeding with another rate hike.
GBPUSD drops after poor UK PMIs
23 AUG clock 11:54

GBPUSD drops after poor UK PMIs

The Pound is the worst-performing G10 currency against the US dollar today, as the UK economy struggles in light of the Bank of England's aggressive rate hikes.